Natur4 Kids
Forest education | adventure days for children and young people
Offer for school classes
The program for schools is modular, so individual modules can be combined with each other.
For project days or weeks, of course, a themed program can be compiled.
We are happy to include your desired topics in the guided tours / hikes.
Our main topic is called forest education
Reawakening the enthusiasm for nature in children and young people is an essential point in forest education.
Positive experiences, e.g. during hikes through the forest, help to let nature in again.
Very important to me as a forest educator is the cohesion in the group and the experience with all the senses.
Playing in the forest means learning without realizing it in order to discover diversity and bring the children closer to a different, more natural world.
How does nature become more comprehensible?
Through experience and search games e.g.: Flower memory | Getting to know the animal and plant world | Teamwork - together we are strong | Riddle rally | Blind caterpillar | Forest pictures
Building blocks
Forest education, 1/2 day
Teamwork, joint forest mandalas , nature experience games, spider web, rope course, animals in the forest, explore nature through play.
Duration approx. 3h | Half day | Cost for 1 child € 12,-.
Treasure hike - In search of fossils
We start in Russbach, visit the exhibition room "Fossilienreich".
Mushroom corals, brain corals, snail stones and much more can be found on this hike. Through the forest we go to the various streams where we find real treasures.
Take snack and drink with you.
Walking time approx. 3h | Full day | Cost for 1 child € 19,-.
Ebenalm - one class - one team
Get to know your classmates anew with low rope setups like chimes, slalom, cross and cooperative games.
Easy hike to the Ebenalm
Walking time approx. 1,5h | Whole day | Cost for 1 child € 26,- without snack
Almerlebnis Rottenhof - Zwieselalm
Was ist Käse, wie wird Käse und Butter gemacht, verarbeiten eines Frischkäse, Almkäse , gemeinsames herrichten und essen der eigenen Käsejause.
Auffahrt mit der Gosaukammbahn, leichte Wanderung zur Rottenhofhütte,
Gehzeit ca. 2h | Ganzer Tag | Kosten für 1 Kind € 29,- ohne Gondel, inkl. Jause;
Nature experience Löckensee - high moor
Ascent with the Gosau slow train, visit to the historic grinding stone quarries, easy hike through the Deckenhochmoor - Löckensee.
Karst cave Wildfrauenloch, Grubenalm. Return either with the Gosau slow train or on foot to Gosau.
Walking time approx. 2h | Full day | Cost for 1 child € 27,- incl. slow train without snack
Witnesses of the ice age - the Echerntal in Hallstatt
In the impressive Echerntal, a district of Hallstatt, is the Glacier Garden with its glacier mills and the various forms of glacial pots, a relic of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago.
Water, nature, geology and history are the main topics of this hike, which can be playfully built up with forest educational and land art elements.
Duration approx. 4,5h | Cost for 1 child € 15,-.
Snowshoe hike Bibereck-Torfmoos
With the chairlift we go up to the middle station of the Hornspitzlift, there we strap on the snowshoes and continue hiking towards Bibereck. Via Klausmoos we pass old alpine huts, where we can enjoy the magnificent view of the Dachstein massif.
Hike with forest educational elements.
Half day:
Walking time approx. 2h | Duration approx. 3h | Cost: € 24,- per participant incl. equipment (snowshoes & poles).
Full day:
Walking time approx. 3h | duration approx. 5h | costs: € 34,- per participant incl. equipment (snowshoes & poles)
Equipment: good sturdy shoes and drink
Translated with (free version)
Snowshoe hike - fairy tale forest
Eine leichte Schneeschuhwanderung durch unseren Märchenwald mit waldpädagogischen Elementen und Spiele.
Gehzeit ca. 2h | Dauer ca.3h | Kosten: € 24,- pro Teilnehmer inkl. Ausrüstung (Schneeschuhe & Stöcke)
Ausrüstung: gutes festes Schuhwerk und Getränk
Torch hike without snowshoes
We walk through the white winter landscape towards Calvary, where a beautiful view of the Gosau valley awaits us. The lights glitter in the snow. Up here we can - if the weather plays along - see a wonderful starry sky and with a lot of luck maybe even a shooting star or two! Afterwards we go back to the starting point.
Walking time approx. 1,5h | Duration approx.1,5h | Cost children: € 15,- per child incl. torch | Cost adults: € 18,- per child incl. torch
Equipment: good sturdy shoes and warm winter clothing